actual hate to love

doctorpopo -
⨳ no abusive or toxic leads
⨳just good MLs who show actual growth from hate/animosity/apathy/resentment to love
⨳ ML shows actual resistance to feelings (conflict is good) instead of permaflipping into love mode like there's is an on/off switch in the dick
where ML doesn't magically fall in love with MC after just a few encounters or for nonsensical surface reasons like "good looks/kindness/childhood savior" etc with no real tension, and no complex interactions to serve as fertile ground for feelings to develop in a continuum. ML actually goes through conflicted feelings pre-relationship. ML has an actual personality that doesn't get suddenly moefied taking a 180 OOC turn into boring one-note "clingy whiny puppy" mannerisms with no complexity. ML actually maintains his personality after love. the love feels organic and earned on both sides.